Monographs / Books Authored / Co-authored

  1. Towards a Trinitarian Theology of Religions: A Study of Paul Tillich's Thought. Kampen, the Netherlands: Kok Pharos Publishing House, 1994. 181 pages.

    Reviews received:
    Journal of Theological Studies (n.s.) 46 (April 1995): 421-423.
    Theological Studies 56 (S 1995): 614-615.
    Theology 98 (Jan/Feb 1995): 54-55.
    Journal of Ecumenical Studies 33 (Winter 1995): 105.
    Calvin Theological Journal 30 (N 1995): 573-578.
    Dialogue and Alliance 10 (Spring-Sum 1996): 117-118.
    Études Théologiques et Religieuses 70, No.2 (1995): 299-300.
    International Bulletin of Missionary Research 19 (January 1995): 44-45.
    Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 6 (D 1995): 292-293.
  2. 賴品超、郭鴻標及龔立人合著( Co-authored by LAI Pan-chiu, Benedict KWOK Hung-biu and KUNG Lap-yan)。《柯布、潘能博、候活士與當代華人處境》Cobb, Pannenberg, Hauerwas and Contemporary Chinese Context。香港:信義宗神學院,1999。頁129。

    Review received:
    《中國神學研究院期刊》CGST Journal of Theology 28 (2000.1): 143-184.
  3. 《開放與委身:田立克的神學與宗教對話》Openness and Commitment: Paul Tillich's Theology and Inter-religious Dialogue。香港:基督教中國宗教文化研究社,2000。頁iii + 290。

    Reviews received:
    《道風》Logos & Pneuma 14 (2001): 305-311, English abstract on 326-327.
    《基督教文化學刊》Journal for the Study of Christian Culture 6 (2001): 235-240.
    《漢語基督教學術論評》Sino-Christian Studies 5 (2008.6): 141-163.
  4. 《邊緣上的神學反思──徘徊在大學、教會與社會之間》Theological Reflections on the Boundaries: Between University, Church and Society。香港:基督教文藝出版社,2001年6月。頁xvii + 230。
  5. 賴品超、何建明、蘇遠泰、何慶昌及陳偉強合著(Co-authored by LAI Pan-chiu, HE Jian-ming, SO Yuen-tai, HO Hing-cheong and CHAN Wai-keung)。《近代中國佛教與基督宗教的相遇》Buddhist-Christian Encounter in Modern China。賴品超主編(Edited by Lai Pan-chiu)。香港:道風書社,2003。頁x + 323。

    Reviews received:
    Ching Feng (New Series) 4.1 (2003): 103-108.
    《山道期刊》Hill Road 7.1 (2004): 187-190.
    《輔仁宗教研究》Fujen Religious Studies 9 (2004): 243-253.  

    Revised and expanded edition:
    賴品超編(Edited by Lai Pan-chiu)。《佛耶對話:近代中國佛教與基督宗教的相遇》Buddhist-Christian Dialogue: Buddhist-Christian Encounter in Modern China。北京:宗教文化出版社,2008。共338頁。
  6. 《傳承與轉化:基督教神學與諸文化傳統》Transmission and Transformation: Christian Theology and Cultural Traditions。香港:基督教文藝出版社,2006年。共203頁。

    Review received:
    《山道》Hill Road 12.2 (2009.12): 218-222.
  7. 賴品超、林宏星合著(Co-authored by LAI Pan-chiu and LIN Hong-xing)。《儒耶對話與生態關懷》Christian-Confucian Dialogue and Ecological Concern。北京:宗教文化出版社,2006。共326頁。

    Review received:
    孫向晨,〈在儒耶對話中尋找生態神學的新進路──評《儒耶對話與生態關懷》〉,許志偉編,《基督教思想評論.第11輯》Regent Review of Christian Thoughts(上海:上海人民出版社,2010),頁323-332; revised English version: Sun Xiangchen, “A New Approach to Ecological Theology in the Frame of Confucian-Christian Dialogue: On Confucian-Christian Dialogue and Ecological Concern.” Ching Feng (N.S.) 10. 1-2 (2010-2011), 179-188.
  8. 《多元、分歧與認同:神學與文化的探索》Plurality, Diversity and Identity: Explorations in Theology and Culture。新北市:中原大學宗教研究所/台灣基督教文藝出版社,2011。共305頁。

    Review received:
    《漢語基督教文化論評》Sino-Christian Studies 12 (2011), 202-205.
  9. 《大乘基督教神學:漢語神學的思想實驗》Mahayana Christian Theology: Thought-Experiments of Sino-Theology。香港:道風書社,2011。共303頁。

    Book awards received:
    第三十二屆湯清基督教文學獎(神學論著組)The 33rd Christopher Tang Christian Literature Award (2012);
    第六屆金書獎最佳作者(學術著作類)Best Author Award (Academic Group), 6th Gold Medallion Book Awards (2013).

    Reviews received:          
    《山道》Hill Road 14.2 (2011), 230-237.
    《漢語基督教學術論評》Sino-Christian Studies 12 (2011), 197-201.
    《道風》Logos & Pneuma 37 (Autumn 2012), 335-344.
    《道風》Logos & Pneuma 38 (Spring 2013), 265-280.
    《比較經學》Journal of Comparative Scripture 1 (January 2013), 217-228.
  10. 林子淳Lam Jason Tsz-shun、 賴品超Lai Pan-chiu & 蘇遠泰So Yuen-tai合著。《是敵?是友?科學與宗教的多元關係》Friends or Foes? The Pluralistic Relationship between Science and Religion(香港:明風出版,2012)。共272頁。
  11. 《廣場上的漢語神學:從神學到基督宗教研究》Sino-Christian Theology in the Public Square: From Theology to Christian Studies。香港:道風書社,2014。

    Reviews received:
    《道風》Logos & Pneuma 43 (Autumn 2015), 335-345.
    《道風》Logos & Pneuma 44 (Spring 2016), 385-397.
  12. 賴品超、高莘(Lai Pan-chiu and Gao Xin)。《誰的宗教?何種改革?——十六世紀宗教改革的多元性與政治性》(Whose Religion? Which Reform? -- Pluralistic and Political Characters of the Reformation in the 16th Century)。香港:明風書社,2017。
  13. 《宗教都是殊途同歸?宗教研究與漢語神學的視角》(Divergent Religious Paths to Convergent End? Perspectives of Religious Studies and Sino-Christian Theology)。香港:道風書社,2020。

    Reviews received:
    《道風》Logos & Pneuma 56 (Spring 2022), 349–368.
    《輔仁宗教研究》Fujen Religious Studies 43 (2022), 157–162.



Monographs / Books Authored / Co-authored

Edited Work

Selected Journal Articles / Book Chapters in Western Languages

Selected Journal Articles in Chinese with English Abstract (since 2010)