Selected Journal Articles in Chinese with English Abstract (since 2010)

  1. 〈基督正教之神學復興及其對漢語神學的意義〉(Renaissance of Orthodox Theology and its Significance for Sino-Christian Theology)。《道風》Logos & Pneuma 32 (2010): 247-272.
  2. 〈李提摩太對大乘佛教的回應:從後殖民對東方學的批判著眼〉(Timothy Richard’s Response to Mahayana Buddhism: From the Perspective of the Postcolonial Critique of Orientalism)。 《浙江大學學報(人文社會科學版)》Journal of Zhejiang University (Humanities and Social Sciences) 40.3 (2010.5): 30-39.
  3. 〈基督徒合一與當代中國的基督宗教研究〉(Christian Ecumenism and Christian Studies in Contemporary China)。《天主教研究學報》Hong Kong Journal of Catholic Studies 1 (2010): 55-74.
  4. 〈再思聖多瑪斯的生態倫理〉(Reconsidering St. Thomas’s Ecological Ethics)。 《哲學與文化》Universitas: Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture 37.11 (2010.11): 155-173. (Co-authored with 王濤Wang Tao)
  5. 〈文化理論、基督宗教研究與漢語神學〉(Cultural Theory, Christian Studies and Sino-Theology)。《道風》Logos & Pneuma 34 (2011): 17-32.
  6. 〈利他主義與比較宗教學:宗教研究的方法論反思〉(Altruism and Comparative Religion: Methodological Reflections on the Study of Religions)。《安徽大學學報(哲學社會科學版)》Journal of Anhui University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) 2012年卷第4期 (2012.07.05): 47-54.
  7. 〈宗教多元視野下的宗教哲學:反思希克前後的宗教哲學〉(Philosophy of Religion in the Perspective of Religious Plurality: Reflections on the Philosophy of Religion Before and After Hick)。《道風》Logos & Pneuma 37 (2012): 21-44.
  8. 〈漢語基督教神學對宗教分歧的論述〉(Sino-Christian Theological Discourses on Religious Diversity)。《道風》Logos & Pneuma 38 (2013): 65-86.
  9. 〈從佛教反思基督宗教上帝觀:取道保羅‧蒂利希的「終極關切」〉(Reflecting on the Christian Doctrine of God through Buddhism: Via Paul Tillich’s “Ultimate Concern”)。《輔仁宗教研究》Fujen Religious Studies 26 (2013): 91-119.
  10. 〈從基督宗教、儒家及演化論看利他主義〉(Altruism in Christian, Confucian and Evolutionary Perspectives)。《漢語基督教學術論評》Sino-Christian Studies 15 (2013.06): 183-214. (Co-authored with 王濤Wang Tao)
  11. 〈大乘基督教神學:敬覆評論者〉(Mahayana Christian Theology: A Rejoinder)。《山道》Hill Road 16.1 (2013.6): 199-220.
  12. 〈利他主義與儒耶比較〉(Altruism and Confucian-Christian Comparison)。《天主教研究學報》Hong Kong Journal of Catholic Studies 4 (2013): 168-188.
  13. 〈對和諧社會與可持續發展的公共論述:一個漢語基督教神學的回應〉(Public Discourses on Harmonious Society and Sustainable Development: A Sino-Christian Theological Response)。《道風》 Logos & Pneuma 40 (2014): 107-127.
  14. 〈漢語神學的全球本土化策略〉(Glocalization Strategies of Sino-Christian Theology)。《道風》Logos & Pneuma 41 (2014): 185-198.
  15. 〈存有與非有:蒂利希、耶佛對話與漢語神學〉(Being and Non-being: Paul Tillich, Buddhist-Christian Dialogue, and Sino-Christian Theology)。《道風》Logos & Pneuma 43 (2015): 29-50.
  16. 〈漢語神學與拯救論〉(Sino-Christian Theology and Soteriology)。《道風》Logos & Pneuma 44 (2016): 153-179.
  17. 〈位格與理性:當代儒學的論述及其對儒耶對話的意義〉(Personhood and Rationality: Contemporary Confucian Discourses and their Significance for Christian-Confucian Dialogue)。《基督教文化學刊》Journal for the Study of Christian Culture 36 (2016.11): 70-93.
  18. 〈神愛與人愛: 路德與多瑪斯之間〉(Divine Love and Human Love: Between Martin Luther and Thomas Aquinas)。《國學與西學國際學刊》International Journal of Sino-Western Studies 12 (2017.06): 109-119.
  19. 〈公共領域中的寬恕與和解:一個跨學科的處境神學反思〉(Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Public Sphere: An Inter-disciplinary and Contextual Theological Reflection)。《道風》Logos & Pneuma 47 (2017.07): 281-307.
  20. 〈從後世俗視域詮釋好撒瑪利亞人故事〉。(The Story of Good Samaritan in Post-Secular Perspective)。《基督教文化學刊》Journal for the Study of Christian Culture 39 (2018.05): 51-74.
  21. 〈神愛、人愛與自他不二:一個漢語基督宗教的觀點〉(Divine Love, Human Love, and Non-Duality of Self and Other: A Sino-Christian Perspective)。《道風》 Logos & Pneuma 49 (2018.07): 197-222.
  22. 〈宗教比較、神經科學與多維度的拯救:再思宗教多樣與宗教對話〉(Comparative Religion, Neuroscience and Multi-Dimensional Salvation: Reconsidering Religious Diversity and Interreligious Dialogue)。《景風》Ching Feng (New Series) 17.1-2 (2018): 93–116.
  23. 〈既非是、也非否:從大乘佛教詮釋巴特對普救的論述〉(Neither Yes Nor No: A Mahayana Buddhist Interpretation of Barth's Discourses on Universal Salvation)。《基督教文化學刊》Journal for the Study of Christian Culture 41 (Spring 2019):  2-27.
  24. 〈從利他主義的演化看人間佛教與人類的未來〉(Humanistic Buddhism and Human Future in the Perspective of Evolution of Altruism)。《人間佛教:學報·藝文》(Humanistic Buddhism: Journal, Arts, and Cultures) 第26期 (2020.03): 34-45.
  25. 〈超越與自我超越:從後現代哲學到儒耶對話〉。(Transcendence and Self-Transcendence: From Postmodern Philosophy to Christian-Confucian Dialogue) 《山道期刊》 Hill Road Journal 27.1 (2024.06), 91-121.



Monographs / Books Authored / Co-authored

Edited Work

Selected Journal Articles / Book Chapters in Western Languages

Selected Journal Articles in Chinese with English Abstract (since 2010)