1. 《巴特與漢語神學》Barth and Sino-Theology。鄧紹光、賴品超合編(Co-edited by Tang Siu-kwong and Lai Pan-chiu)。香港:漢語基督教文化研究所,2000。頁x + 334。2008年第2版。
  2. Christian-Confucian Dialogue. Co-edited by Lai Pan-chiu & Peter K. H. Lee. Special Issue of: Ching Feng (New Series) 1.1 (Spring 2000): 1-115.
  3. 《儒耶對話新里程》A New Stage in Christian-Confucian Dialogue。賴品超、李景雄合編(Edited by Lai Pan-chiu and Peter K. H. Lee)。香港:宗教與中國社會研究中心,2001。頁x + 388。

    Reviews received:
    《建道學刊》Jiao Dao 17 (2002): 211-212.
    《山道期刊》Hill Road 11 (2003): 197-201.
  4. Life & Ethics in Christian-Confucian Perspectives. Edited by Lai Pan-chiu. Special Issue of: Ching Feng (New Series) 2.1-2 (Fall 2001): 1-212.
  5. 《基督宗教及儒家對談生命與倫理》Christian-Confucian Dialogue on Life and Ethics。賴品超編(Edited by Lai Pan-chiu)。香港:宗教與中國社會研究中心。2002。頁283 + xiv。
  6. 《聖奧古斯丁》St. Augustine of Hippo。賴品超導讀.選讀(Ed. & Intro. by Lai Pan-chiu)。香港:基督教文藝出版社,2003。共279頁。
  7. 《生態神學》(Ecological Theology)。賴品超編(Edited by Lai Pan-chiu)。Special Issue of《道風》Logos & Pneuma 第18期(2003春),頁11-146。
  8. Buddhist-Christian Dialogue. Part 1. Edited by Lai Pan-chiu. Special Issue of: Ching Feng (New Series) 4.2 (2003): 111-239.
  9. Buddhist-Christian Dialogue. Part 2. Edited by Lai Pan-chiu. Special Issue of: Ching Feng (New Series) 5.1 (2004): 1-133.
  10. 《佛教與基督教對話》Dialogue between Buddhism and Christianity。吳言生、賴品超、王曉朝合編(Co-edited by Wu Yan-sang, Lai Pan-chiu and Wang Xiao-chao)。北京:中華書局,2005。共442頁。

    Reviews received:
    《人文中國學報》14 (2008.09),頁435-439。
  11. The Kingdom of God, the Pure Land and the Human World. Co-edited by Lai Pan-chiu and Xue Yu. Special Issue of Ching Feng (New Series) 7.1-2 (2006): 1-246.
  12. 《比較神學》(Comparative Theology)。賴品超編(Edited by Lai Pan-chiu)。Special Issue of《道風》Logos & Pneuma 第25期(2006),17-164。
  13. Special Issue for the Bicentennial of Robert Morrison’s Arrival in China. Co-edited with Ying Fuk-tsang. Ching Feng (New Series) 8.1-2 (2007): 1-214.
  14. 《天國、淨土與人間:耶佛對話與社會關懷》Heavenly Kingdom, Pure Land and the Human World: Buddhist-Christian Dialogue and Social Concern。賴品超、學愚合編(Edited by Lai Pan-chiu & Xue Yu)。北京:中華書局,2008。共463頁。
  15. Sino-Christian Theology: A Theological Qua Cultural Movement in China. Co-edited with Jason Lam. Frankfurt-am-Main: Peter Lang, 2010. Pp. ix + 237.

    Reviews received:
    Bibliographia Missionaria 75 (2011), #36.
    Religion, State, and Society 40, no.2 (2012): 236-238.
    International Journal of Sino-Western Studies 2 (Jun 2012): 135-140.
  16. 《文化理論與基督宗教研究》(Cultural Theory and Christian Studies)。賴品超編(Edited by Lai Pan-chiu)。Special Issue of《道風》Logos & Pneuma 第34期(2011春),頁17-157。
  17. Buddhist-Christian Encounter and the Dialogue among Civilizations. Edited by Lai Pan-chiu. Special Issue of Ching Feng, n.s. 10, No.1-2 (2010-2011): 3-100.
  18. 《文明對話與耶佛教相遇》Dialogue among Civilizations and Buddhist-Christian Encounter。王志成、賴品超合編(Co-edited by Wang Zhicheng & Lai Pan-chiu)。北京:社會科學文獻出版社,2012。305頁。
  19. Christianity in Asia: Past, Present and Future. Edited by Lai Pan-chiu. Special Issue of Ching Feng, n.s. 12, No.1-2 (2013): 1-177.
  20. 《基督教與中國社會文化:第五屆國際年青學者研討會論文集》Studies in Christianity and Chinese Society and Culture: Essays from the Firth International Young scholars’ Symposium。賴品超、吳小新編(co-edited by Lai Pan-chiu and Wu Xiaoxin)。香港:香港中文大學崇基學院宗教與中國社會研究中心,2014。371頁。
  21. 《中心作邊緣:紀念蒂利希辭世五十周年》(The Centre as Boundary: Essays for the Fiftieth Anniversary of Paul Tillichʼs Death)。楊俊杰、賴品超編(Co-edited with Yang Junjie)。Special issue of《道風》Logos & Pneuma 43 (2015.07),19-178。 Co-authored the introduction〈中心作邊緣:紀念蒂利希辭世五十周年──論題引介〉,19-28。
  22. 《基督教與中國社會文化:第六屆國際年青學者研討會論文集》Studies in Christianity and Chinese Society and Culture: Essays from the Firth International Young scholars’ Symposium。陶飛亞、賴品超編(Edited by Tao Feiya and Lai Pan-chiu)。桂林:廣西師範大學出版社,2016。243頁。
  23. Public Theology in the Chinese Context. Lai, Pan-chiu & Xie Zhibin (eds.). Special issue of International Journal of Public Theology (Leiden: Brill) 11.4 (2017), pp.375-500. (with a co-authored “Introduction” on pp.375-380.)
  24. 《從文化全球化看中外宗教交流史》(History of the Exchange between Chinese and Foreign Religions in the Perspective of Globalization of Culture)。賴品超編(Edited by Lai Pan-chiu)。合著者:賴品超、高莘、張雪松、余之聰、朱東華、周萍萍、何慶昌。香港:香港中文大學崇基學院宗教與中國社會研究中心,2018。共447頁。
  25. Taking a Deep Breath for the Story to Begin. (An Earthed Faith: Telling the Story Amid the Anthropocene, vol. 1.) Co-edited with Ernst Conradie. Cape Town, South Africa: AOSIS Scholarly Books, 2021. Pp. xx + 262.
  26. Special Issue “History and Theology of Chinese Christianity”, Religions 15.1 (May 2024), including 9 articles.



Monographs / Books Authored / Co-authored

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Selected Journal Articles in Chinese with English Abstract (since 2010)