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Communication With Our Stakeholders

The University is aware of the importance of the co-operation of contractors, sub-contractors and vendors in the maintenance of a pollution-free campus. In 2002, an Environmental Guideline which includes legal requirements as well as the University's in-house rules was prepared by the University Safety & Environmental Office to help conduct on-campus work along environmentally friendly lines. During construction work, the CDO and EMO staff also strictly supervise the performance of their contractors. Additionally, contractors are encouraged to participate in the “Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme” and the “Outstanding Waste Management Performance Grand Awards”

A Purpose- designed Building for Centralized Science Laboratories


Extension Facilities for the Clinical Departments of the Medical Faculty at Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin


organized by the Environment, Transport and Works Bureau. Regarding the environmental performance of CUHK and her contractors during the year, all cases of environmental non-compliance were resolved without convictions.

To ensure effective communication with staff, students and interested parties, an environmental hotline, webpage and electronic mailbox have been set up to release and exchange information on environmental protection issues. In 2005, 10 environmental complaints were received. These were mainly complaints about dust emission and noise caused by construction and renovation work. All cases were properly handed.





Contractors and workers are encouraged to join the recycling programmes.




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