Responsive imageResponsive image
Project ID Project Title Project Leader Department Amount Granted (HK$) MMCD Output Tools / Services Pedagogical Uses Keywords
1 Micro-modules for Engineering Mathematics in Flipped Classroom Setting
Prof. Sidharth Jaggi Department of Information Engineering 150,000
2 Evaluating the impact of micro-modules in pharmacy education
(Interim Report - PDF / Video)
(Final Report - PDF / Video)
Prof. Lee Wing-yan, Vivian School of Pharmacy 150,000


Vyond Pharmacy education, Clinical pharmacy, Clinical study design, Drug information searching, Literature evaluation
3 Students'; expectations, experience and evaluation of e-learning using a five fields of instruction framework
Prof. Carmen Wong JC School of Public Health and Primary Care 149,545
4 Evaluation of the teaching and learning effectiveness of the use of flipped classroom pedagogy for Biochemistry courses
(Interim Report - PDF / Video)
(Final Report - PDF / Video)

Dr. Patrick Ngai

Prof. Shannon Au

Prof. SK Kong

Dr. FH Lo

Prof. PC Shaw

Prof. KB Wong

School of Life Sciences 150,000 ITSC courseware development service; ELITE documented interview study service; Flipped classroom Flipped classroom, eLearning, Pedagogy, Innovation, STEM
5 A Comprehensive Analysis of Different Types of UGFN1000 Micro-modules: From Users' and Developers' Perspectives
(Interim Report - PDF / Video)
(Final Report - PDF / Video)

Dr. Cheung Hang Cheong Derek

Dr. Ng Ka Leung Andy

Office of University General Education 150,000


Services: ITSC, ELITE, KEEP; Tools: SPSS, NVivo Micro-modules, Cost-effectiveness, E-learning readiness, General education, Video learning