2015 - page 14

Operational Procedures
Academic Problems: Students being placed on academic probation, or extended probation, or with GPA
below a certain threshold (between 1.5 and 2.0)
With obvious academic problems*
Interview students on general supervision:
Course selection
Guidance on study
Adaptation to University study
Other issues on study
Interview students to help them:
Better understand their academic strength
and weakness
Plan course schedules
Set goals
Use resources and support services at the
university, etc.
Level I Advisor
Level II Advisor
Keep record of meeting date
Fill out brief meeting report
Refer waiver cases to Faculty Committee
on Academic Advising, then Faculty
Board and Senate APC, if appropriate
For academic issues, follow up and monitor
progress if necessary
For other issues, refer to other services if necessary:
College Dean of Students’ Office
Graduate School Office
Office of Student Affairs
Office of Admissions and Financial Aid
Office of Academic Links
University Health Service, etc.
With no academic problem
Annex 6
1...,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 15,16,17
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