2015 - page 4

The Committee should meet at least twice in each academic year to give advice
on all aspects of academic advising, including recommendations on student
waiver cases before they are put to the respective Faculty Board and
subsequently the Senate APC for approval.
Level II Advisors can refer academic problem cases to and seek assistance from
the Associate/ Assistant Dean concerned.
It is also important for Faculties to provide adequate incentives and support to
their teaching staff in implementing the academic advisory system, such as
provision of resources.
Other Whole-person Development Issues
Apart from providing academic advice, student advisors can become resource
persons in their department/ programme/ division and provide information on other
whole-person development opportunities to students. Under this whole-person
student support approach, advisors may also refer students to suitable units (Annex 1
and 2), if necessary, e.g.
Offices of College Deans of Students
Graduate School Office
Office of Student Affairs
Office of Admissions and Financial Aid
Office of Academic Links
University Health Service
Support for Advisors
Briefing/ sharing sessions are organized by the Office of Student Affairs (OSA),
and Level II Advisors, especially new recruits, are strongly encouraged to attend.
General information in academic/ personal counselling is disseminated via
pamphlet/ booklet for Level I Advisors.
Information given to Advisors includes other whole-person development
opportunities to students, including:
student activities
non-local students’ support
career consultation and internship facilitation
student finance matters
student exchange matters
1,2,3 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,...17
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