2015 - page 13

Annex 5
Roles and Responsibilities
Level I Advisor
To meet with students at least once a year for purpose of providing general advice on
issues such as course selection, guided study, adaptation to University learning modes.
To become a resource person in his/ her department/ programme/ division and provide
information on other whole-person development opportunities to students or refer
students to suitable units, if necessary.
To advise on students’ application for suspension of studies, if necessary.
Level II Advisor
To meet with marginal students with GPA below a certain threshold (between 1.5 and
2.0) at least more than once during a particular year, so as to provide additional
academic support to the students concerned and hopefully to help avert potential
academic problems.
To meet with students with academic problems (especially those placed on academic
probation or extended probation) more regularly to provide advice and guidance.
To endorse students on probation or extended probation for enrollment into
appropriate courses in the next term.
To refer problem cases to the appropriate units for other suitable assistance, e.g.
Colleges, counselling service, health service. If necessary, the case should be referred
to the Associate/ Assistant Dean concerned.
After improvement is seen in the student’s studies, to decide whether he/ she will
continue to meet with the student or transfer the case to a Level I Advisor.
To advise on students’ application for suspension of studies, if necessary.
Associate/ Assistant Dean
To give advice to Advisors for the effective implementation of academic advising in
the faculty
To play the role of case manager for students who present very serious problems and
coordinate all appropriate efforts within the University in helping the students.
To chair a Faculty-based Committee on Academic Advising which meets at least twice
in each academic year and monitor the implementation of academic advising,
including recommendations on student waiver cases before they are put to the
respective Faculty Board for consideration.
Faculty Secretary
To assist in monitoring the implementation of academic advising at the Department/
Programme/ Division level
To remind Departments/ Programmes/ Divisions to assign Advisors for their students
and input the records in the Academic Advisement System under CUSIS.
To coordinate with Departments/ Programmes/ Divisions in disseminating information
for Advisors, e.g. details of sharing/ training sessions, handbook for Advisors, etc.
To serve as the Secretary of the Faculty Committee on Academic Advising.
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