2015 - page 5

Advisors for Postgraduate Students
A similar academic advisory system is adopted for postgraduate (Pg) students.
In principle, every full-time Pg student is assigned a Level I Advisor, who can be
the thesis supervisor in the case of Research Postgraduate (RPg) students, and
the Programme Director in the case of Taught Postgraduate (TPg) students. For
each Division, a Level II Advisor should be appointed by the Division Head to
handle problem cases.
Departments/ Programmes/ Divisions may decide whether the same pool of
Level II Advisors should be shared by both undergraduate and postgraduate
students or additional Level II Advisors should be nominated for Pg students as
Owing to the diversified nature of TPg programmes, it may be more desirable
for Programme Directors of individual programmes to design their own
advisory systems. In such cases, the Programme Directors concerned may
propose the adoption of an alternative scheme and submit their plans to the
Faculty Committee for endorsement. For RPg programmes, a research student
who has been placed on probation should be assigned a Level II Advisor.
Unlike undergraduate students, there is no requirement on the frequency of
meetings between the advisor and Pg student. As a more mature community, Pg
students are expected to take an active role in seeking advice from their
advisors whenever they feel the need.
In order to ensure that the Faculty Committee is able to give advice on matters
concerning Pg students, Faculties are encouraged to nominate at least one
member with experience in handling Pg student matters to serve in the Faculty
The same meeting report (Annex 9) can be used by advisors to record details of
their meetings with Pg students.
August 2015
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