2015 - page 2

Administering the Academic Advisory System
The implementation details of the academic advisory system are as follows:
Providing General Support to Students – Level 1 Advisors
Every student is assigned an academic advisor (Level I Advisor), who meets with
the students at least once a year for purposes of general supervision such as
course selection, guided study, adaptation to University learning modes and
disciplinary fundamentals, etc.
A list of potential questions for Advisors’ meetings with students are suggested at
Annex 8.
Helping Students with Academic Problems – Level II Advisors
Departments/ Programmes are requested to nominate designated academic
advisors (Level II Advisors) for students with academic problems. For these
students who are placed on academic probation and extended probation, Level II
Advisors have to pay greater attention to and meet with them more regularly to
track their progress, which may include helping the students to:
better understand their academic strengths and weaknesses;
plan course schedules;
set goals; and
use resources and support services at the University, etc.
A warning system is implemented whereby marginal students with GPA below a
certain threshold (between 1.5 and 2.0) are assigned a Level II Advisor.
Faculties have the flexibility in determining the minimum GPA threshold.
Marginal students have to meet with the designated Level II Advisor at least
more than once during that particular year. This serves to:
alert the Department/ Programme about those students who need special
attention before they are placed on academic probation; and
provide additional academic support to the students concerned and hopefully
to help avert potential academic problems.
During a specified period, students on probation or extended probation are
required to obtain the endorsement of the designated academic advisors in order
to enroll in appropriate courses in the next term.
Depending on individual needs and circumstances, Level II Advisors may refer
problem cases to Colleges, counselling service or the health service on a
case-by-case basis. A Level II Advisor may decide whether he/ she will continue
to meet with the student or transfer the case to a Level I Advisor after the
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