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 Wildlife Conservation 野生動植物保護

The CUHK campus boasts rich flora: pine, willow, orchids and bauhinia are all abundant. It also supports a wide range of wildlife, avian species in particular, including the Spotted Dove, Chinese Bulbul, Crested Bulbul, Magpie Robin, Black-necked Starling, White-eye, etc. The University is deeply aware that the natural campus environment is a valuable asset and takes various measures to protect these habitats and conserve the wildlife:

  • maximizes greenery by planting over three hundred trees, about ten thousand shrubs, and ten thousand floral plants, thousands of ground cover plants and over five thousand square metres of grass annually;
  • enhances wildlife along the Alumni Trail by planting of native species;
  • minimizes the use of pesticides;
  • implements Green Policy to monitor existing trees and rare species; and
  • protects swifts' nest under building eaves.

The Campus Development Office (CDO) and the Estates Management Office (EMO) have incorporated landscaping works in both road and building projects at every opportunity in order to improve the aesthetic appearance and quality of the campus environment. In landscape design, tree preservation is always our priority, in order to protect trees with ecological, amenity, aesthetic or heritage value. Additionally, all projects that involve tree felling must be approved by the District Lands Office.

With the effort of CUHK staff and students, this desert was turned into a green field.

Green Features at a Residence & a Student Hostel
Year Trees
Flowering Herbs
Ground Cover
2001 211 7,010 12,009 12,304 7,438
2002 430 11,606 6,487 3,899 2,826
2003 531 11,059 17,018 5,183 4,952
2004 327 10,068 16,244 6,301 6,271
2005 1,293 33,537

11,136 10,225 9,119
Total 2,792 73,280 62,894 37,91 30,606
*Remarks :
  • In 2005, the Landscape Section felled 29 trees because of natural death.
  • A total of 133 trees were affected by both slope and building projects; of these, 30 trees were transplanted. In compensation, 63 trees were planted and 196 trees will be planted at different phases of the projects.

Wildlife on Campus


  • 每年種植喬木超過三百株、灌木約一萬株、顯花植物一萬株、做地被的小植物等幾千株,以及青草超過五千平方公尺,盡量綠化環境;
  • 在校友徑栽種本土植物,拓展野生環境;
  • 盡量減少使用農藥;
  • 執行綠化政策,監測現存樹木及稀有品種的情況;
  • 保護屋簷下的褐雨燕巢。


Wildlife on Campus


年份 喬木

2001 211 7,010 12,009 12,304 7,438
2002 430 11,606 6,487 3,899 2,826
2003 531 11,059 17,018 5,183 4,952
2004 327 10,068 16,244 6,301 6,271
2005 1,293 33,537 11,136 10,225 9,119
Total 2,792 73,280 62,894 37,912 30,606


  • 二零零五年,園藝組共砍去二十九株自然枯死的樹木。
  • 有一百三十三株樹木受斜坡及建築工程影響,其中三十株移植他處;為了補償損失,本校已另種樹六十三株,並將於各項工程不同階段種樹一百九十六株。

Trees are properly protected during work.



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