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Environmental Task Force 環保團隊

The University Steering Committee on Environment (USCE) is a subcommittee under the Administrative Affairs Committee (AAC). Its major tasks are to promote environmental awareness among students and staff; to recommend strategies and policies relating to environmental protection for consideration by AAC; to halt any activity on campus that is in contravention of environmental regulations; and to undertake any other tasks related to environmental matters as assigned by the Vice-Chancellor. To ensure broad communication among different groups in the University, the members of USCE include staff from administrative 5offices and academic departments, college representatives and student representatives.

To assist the USCE in implementing various environmental projects and plans, the University Safety and Environment Office (USEO) co-ordinates relevant offices such as the Estates Management Office, the Campus Development Office and the Transport Unit.

The Environmental Officer and other professionals such as the Transport Officer and the Canteen Service Officer overseethe daily operation of campus transport, canteens and restaurants, laboratories, etc., to maintain hygiene, safety and environmental

Prof. K. C. Lam
Chairman of the University Steering Committee on Environment

standards consistently above legally required levels throughout the University. A Co-ordinator Scheme has been successfully established in each department to promote and communicate environmental issues such as waste reduction and energy management in the workplace.

Additionally, the colleges and their Environmental Committees play an important role in promoting environmental awareness among students and staff and maintaining a high standard of environmental hygiene on campus.






~ Chung Chi College~


To enable students to learn more about the environment and take action to conserve it, the Chung Chi College Campus Environment Committee took part in an ecological visit to Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve and arranged two seminars for Chung Chi students in January and February with the support of the Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department and Environment Campaign Committee. The Committee also organized a tea session for support staff in the College Chapel Lower Lounge in February, so as to collect information on the College campus environment and to understand the problems encountered by staff while carrying out their duties. Around 60 colleagues from different units attended the session and shared their valuable experiences.

p8 An environment tea session was organized in the College Chapel Lower Lounge.

The Chung Chi College Environmental Protection Cup 2005 (CCC EP Cup 2005) was held in March 2005. The aim of this series of inter-hostel competitions was to arouse students' general awareness of environmental protection and encourage them to support environmental conservation through. Included were competitions on Environmental Protection Ideas, Hostel Water Saving and Hostel Electricity Saving. Last year, with enthusiastic input from the Residents' Associations, two new items, namely competitions on Bring Your Own Lunch Boxes for Take Away Orders and Bring Your Own Bags, were planned. It was hoped that residents would develop good environmental habits in their daily lives and lead a trend toward environmental lifestyles.

A Campus Walk was held in December by members of the Monitoring Subcommittee together with staff members from the University Estates Management Office and the Campus Development Office to identify areas needing improvement.

~ 崇基學院 ~




~ New Asia College~

Organic Farming

To achieve its goal of promoting a general awareness of environmental protection on campus, the Environmental Committee of New Asia College organized a series of events, a highlight of which was the “Fifth Environmental Protection Week” held from mid-January to early February 2005. Activities included a Visit to the Heritage Trial (Western District Route) including the University Lodge, an Ecological Tour at Tsung Tsai Yuen led by Dr. Hu Shiu Ying from the Department of Biology, a Board Exhibition on Environmental Protection, an Environmental “Fai Chun” Writing Activity and Slogan Design Competition at student hostels, a Homepage Design Competition and a Photography Competition.

An Energy Saving Competition among hostels was also held to encourage students to reduce their consumption of water, electricity and gas. A Social Recycling Programme held in May had strong support from staff and students: clothing, household goods, electrical appliances, books and magazines, and sports equipment were collected and donated to the needy.

To bring staff and students the fun of farming and to provide an opportunity to learn more about organic farming, an Organic Farming Activity was held throughout the year on farmland near the student hostel. This activity was well-received by the hostel associations and garnered a satisfactory harvest.


~ 新亞書院 ~




Environmental “Fai Chun” Writing Activity

~ United College~

Eco-tour to Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park

Twelve enthusiastic students were elected to form the Environmental Protection Society (UC EPS) in January to assist the College Environmental Committee in organizing a series of activities including organic farming, eco-tours, the 4R - Recycling Scheme in CUHK Hostels, a Fun Fair for Freshmen, a Book Fair, and a “Zero Waste” Green Trail Walk on the UC campus to raise awareness of environmental protection issues.

The 2005 Energy-Wise Award Scheme jointly organized by the Environment Committee, UC EPS, and the four Hostel Residents' Associations, was held from February to April and from September to November 2005. The scheme effectively raised

hostel residents' awareness of the importance of energy conservation and united them in actions to economize electricity and water consumption in student hostels. The overall championship went to Hang Seng Hall. Prof. Chang Song Hing, Acting College Head, presented the “Dr Sarah Liao Cup” to Hang Seng Hall at the first assembly of the second term on 20 January 2006.

The Organic Farming Group of the UC EPS has been actively supported by students and staff since its inception in April 2001. In 2005, the College accepted the proposal to relocate the organic farm to the College campus for effective management and organization of education programmes on organic farming. The farm has been relocated to the back lawn of the Adam Schall Residence and major building work was completed by March 2006. It is believed that the new farmland will be better and more effectively managed by the group and that more United College students will be able to join the organic farming group.

~ 聯合書院 ~


Recycling Sale

Fun Fair for Freshmen




~ Shaw College~

To promote students' awareness of the campus and the natural environment, the Shaw College Environment Enhancement Committee organized a series of activities in 2005. An Eco-photography

The students learnt to shoot photos on site.

One of the Outstanding Eco-photos

Workshop was held to promote general awareness among students and staff of the environment and campus ecology through digital photography, photo

editing and on-site shoots. An eco-photo exhibition and “My Favourite Eco-photograph Vote” were organized to display outstanding photos by Shaw students and to celebrate the College's 20th Anniversary.

In the autumn, a bird watching activity was co-organized on campus with the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society.

Starting from mid-September 2005 to May 2006, a series of guessing games on energy consumption and an energy saving competition were co-organized by the residents' association of the two student hostels to arouse students' environmental awareness and to promote energy conservation on the college campus.

~ 逸夫書院 ~

Students engaged in bird watching.
為加深同學對校園生態及自然環境的認識,逸夫書院環境促進委員會於二零零五年間舉辦了多項活動。「生態攝影面面觀」-生態攝影課程由專人教授數碼及生態攝影技巧、照片編輯以及實地拍攝,以加深同學對校園生態及自然環境的認識。適逢書院二十周年院慶,委員會特別舉辦「逸夫書院二十周年院慶-生態攝影(逸夫學生作品)展覽」,展出同學的心血作品。 展覽期間同時舉行「我最喜愛生態攝影作品選舉」,讓觀眾選出自己最喜愛的作品。委員會亦於秋季舉辦校園觀鳥活動,由香港觀鳥會帶領同學及


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