Governance and Corporate Sustainability Committee
The Governance and Corporate Sustainability Committee provides advice and recommendation to Council on matters relating to University governance, reviews effectiveness of the mandates of the University and advises the Council accordingly. The Committee reviews the effectiveness of the Council periodically and advises the Council accordingly, and reviews legal, compliance and procedural issues delegated by the Council to advise the Council accordingly. The Committee also monitors the University's sustainability performance and recommends for Council's approval University's strategies and policies on corporate and institutional sustainability.
Dr. Norman T.L. Chan
Ms. Melissa Kaye Pang
Council Members
Mr. Eric C.B. Chan
Prof. Anthony T.C. Chan
The Honourable Lau Kwok-fan
Prof. Poon Wai-yin
Mr. Symon Y.W. Wong
Co-opted Members
Prof. Anthony T.C. Chan
The Honourable Lau Kwok-fan
Prof. Poon Wai-yin
Mr. Symon Y.W. Wong
Ms. Bonnie S.Y. Chan
Mr. Michael S.L. Liu
Mr. Michael S.L. Liu
Ex-officio Members
Prof. Dennis Y.M. Lo, Vice-Chancellor and President of the University
Prof. Poon Wai-yin, Acting Provost of the University
Mr. Kenneth Chen Wei-on, Vice-President (Administration)
Prof. Poon Wai-yin, Acting Provost of the University
Mr. Kenneth Chen Wei-on, Vice-President (Administration)
Mrs. Amelia Wong
Updated on 19 January 2025