Committee on Institutional Advancement and Community Relations
The Committee on Institutional Advancement and Community Relations advises on institutional advancement and outreach strategies in order to promote the University’s interests and advises on matters related to University and Colleges development. The Committee offers guidance on the University’s stakeholders’ engagement and strengthens networks and enhances communications with key stakeholders. The Committee also reviews and recommends for Council’s approval policies and guidelines in relation to fundraising, acceptance of donation, and name recognition, advises on fundraising strategies and supporting programmes, and reviews and recommends for Council’s approval the acceptance of donation and/or name recognition.
Mr. Stewart K.C. Cheng
Mr. Dominic Y.T. Pang
The Honourable Tang Ka-piu
Ms. Lina H.Y. Yan
Prof. Wong Suk-ying, Master of C.W. Chu College
Ex-officio Members
Prof. Nick Rawlins
Mr. Kenneth Chen Wei-on