A summary report of the Council's decisions will be placed on the University's web after each Council meeting, except decisions relating to personal privacy, plans and proposals not yet finalized and any item the immediate release of which after the meeting or disclosure of such an item is considered inappropriate by the Council.
1st (2009) Council Meeting (20 January 2009)
2nd (2009) Council Meeting (14 April 2009)
3rd (2009) Council Meeting (15 June 2009) 4th (2009) Council Meeting (18 August 2009) 5th (2009) Council Meeting (20 October 2009) 6th (2009) Council Meeting (10 November 2009) 7th (2009) Council Meeting (15 December 2009) 1st (2010) Council Meeting (28 January 2010) 2nd (2010) Council Meeting (13 April 2010) 3rd (2010) Council Meeting (22 June 2010) 4th (2010) Council Meeting (10 August 2010) 5th (2010) Council Meeting (5 October 2010) 6th (2010) Council Meeting (16 November 2010) 1st (2011) Council Meeting (25 January 2011) 2nd (2011) Council Meeting (14 June 2011) 3rd (2011) Council Meeting (29 November 2011) 1st (2012) Council Meeting (17 January 2012) 2nd (2012) Council Meeting (17 April 2012) 3rd (2012) Council Meeting (26 June 2012) 4th (2012) Council Meeting (25 July 2012) 5th (2012) Council Meeting (30 October 2012) 1st (2013) Council Meeting (22 January 2013) 2nd (2013) Council Meeting (16 April 2013) 3rd (2013) Council Meeting (18 June 2013) 4th (2013) Council Meeting (22 October 2013) 1st (2014) Council Meeting (14 January 2014) 2nd (2014) Council Meeting (8 April 2014) 3rd (2014) Council Meeting (17 June 2014) 4th (2014) Council Meeting (22 July 2014) 5th (2014) Council Meeting (23 October 2014) 1st (2015) Council Meeting (27 January 2015) 2nd (2015) Council Meeting (19 March 2015) 3rd (2015) Council Meeting (14 April 2015) 4th (2015) Council Meeting (23 June 2015) 5th (2015) Council Meeting (20 October 2015) 1st (2016) Council Meeting (12 January 2016) 2nd (2016) Council Meeting (14 April 2016) 3rd (2016) Council Meeting (20 June 2016) 4th (2016) Council Meeting (25 October 2016) 1st (2017) Council Meeting (24 January 2017) 2nd (2017) Council Meeting (25 April 2017) 3rd (2017) Council Meeting (15 June 2017) 4th (2017) Council Meeting (25 July 2017) 5th (2017) Council Meeting (27 October 2017) 1st (2018) Council Meeting (23 January 2018) 2nd (2018) Council Meeting (17 April 2018) 3rd (2018) Council Meeting (12 June 2018) 4th (2018) Council Meeting (30 October 2018) 1st (2019) Council Meeting (22 January 2019) 2nd (2019) Council Meeting (30 April 2019) 3rd (2019) Council Meeting (18 June 2019) 4th (2019) Council Meeting (29 October 2019) Special Council Meeting (2019) Council Meeting (12 December 2019) 1st (2020) Council Meeting (14 January 2020) 2nd (2020) Council Meeting (21 April 2020) 3rd (2020) Council Meeting (16 June 2020) 4th (2020) Council Meeting (27 October 2020) 1st (2021) Council Meeting (26 January 2021)
2nd (2021) Council Meeting (27 April 2021)
3rd (2021) Council Meeting (22 June 2021)
4th (2021) Council Meeting (19 October 2021)
1st (2022) Council Meeting (25 January 2022)
2nd (2022) Council Meeting (26 April 2022)
3rd (2022) Council Meeting (21 June 2022)
4th (2022) Council Meeting (25 October 2022)
5th (2022) Council Meeting (12 December 2022)
1st (2023) Council Meeting (17 January 2023)
2nd (2023) Council Meeting (8 February 2023)
3rd (2023) Council Meeting (17 April 2023)
4th (2023) Council Meeting (25 April 2023)
5th (2023) Council Meeting (16 June 2023)
6th (2023) Council Meeting (1 August 2023)
7th (2023) Council Meeting (31 October 2023)
8th (2023) Council Meeting (13 December 2023)
1st (2024) Council Meeting (1 February 2024)
2nd (2024) Council Meeting (23 April & 27 May 2024)
3rd (2024) Council Meeting (14 June 2024)
4th (2024) Council Meeting (29 July 2024)
5th (2024) Council Meeting (26 August 2024)
6th (2024) Council Meeting (27 September 2024)