CUHK and CUHK-Shenzhen
A shared vision
The Chinese University of Hong Kong and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (CUHK-Shenzhen) are both positioned to be comprehensive research universities, with a global vision and a mission to combine tradition with modernity and to bring together China and the West. They aim to nurture students with both specialised knowledge and wisdom for life.
The two universities are highly internationalised, providing an education experience distinguished by bilingualism and a college system that emphasises whole-person education and pastoral care. General education courses are provided at both institutions to broaden students' perspectives and develop in them the ability to face the challenges of contemporary society.
Both universities are supervised by the same Senate, sharing the same academic structure and curriculum design. Graduates of CUHK-Shenzhen are awarded degrees of CUHK, the same as those awarded to CUHK graduates.
"One brand, two campuses"
About CUHK
The Chinese University of Hong Kong was founded in 1963. CUHK teachers and students hail from all around the world. Its graduates are connected worldwide through an extensive alumni network.
CUHK's beautiful 138.4-hectare campus overlooking Tolo Harbour is the largest and greenest in Hong Kong. Of all Hong Kong universities, CUHK is the only one that offers a college experience. Programmes and activities of the nine constituent colleges complement the formal curricula by delivering whole-person education and pastoral care. The college system also encourages intimate interaction among teachers, students and alumni.
The eight Faculties offer a wide array of excellent undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. CUHK undertakes a wide range of research programmes in many subject areas. The University's insistence on the highest standards of research has won it an enviable research reputation. Hong Kong's University Grants Committee provides preferential grant funding to the local tertiary institutions to conduct research into 32 selected Areas of Excellence. Eleven of those areas are being led by researchers from CUHK. The University houses five state key laboratories which are entrusted by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China to produce research of international quality and carry out important national research tasks. The University also has an excellent record of published research, both in discipline-specific journals and in more high-profile publications such as Science, Nature, and The Lancet.

About CUHK-Shenzhen
In 2014, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen was officially founded in accordance with the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-foreign Cooperation in Running Schools upon approval by the Ministry of Education. It carries on the vision and the academic system of CUHK. It strives to explore a new path of higher education featured by strong connections to both China and the world. The University is committed to providing top-quality higher education that features an integration of the East and the West and fostering an enriching research environment. It is CUHK-Shenzhen's mission to cultivate innovative talents with a global perspective, Chinese cultural traditions and social responsibilities.
Over the past nine years, CUHK-Shenzhen has established six schools, namely the School of Management and Economics, the School of Science and Engineering, the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, the School of Data Science, the School of Music, and the School of Medicine.
Rising up to the challenges and opportunities of the Greater Bay Area and modern China at large, CUHK-Shenzhen is strengthening its research teams of experts and professionals in artificial intelligence, data science, future intelligent network, biomedicine, new materials and energy science, international finance and economy, precision medicine and public policy and global affairs.
CUHK-Shenzhen encourages international experiences and seeks to nurture global awareness. It has signed agreements with around 140 renowned universities in over 30 countries across the globe, offering more than 240 international programmes of various types. The University's global recruiting has gathered over 600 world's leading scholars and scientists in Shenzhen.
Inheriting CUHK's college traditions, seven colleges have been established, which are Shaw College, Diligentia College, Muse College, Harmonia College, Ling College, Minerva College and the Seventh College.
CUHK-Shenzhen takes in students of high calibre who are the cream of the crop across the country. The majority of the students admitted are among the top 1% performers in arts/history subjects or top 2% performers in science/physics in their home provinces in the National College Entrance Examination.
Our graduates are keenly sought after by employers. More than 80% of our undergraduates continue to study for a master's or doctoral degree in prestigious universities in the country or overseas. Among them, more than 70% go to the top 50 institutions in the world.