Quality Assurance

CUHK regards teaching and learning as a core function and has developed explicit systems and procedures to ensure and enhance quality. These systems support the main teaching and learning goals articulated in the University's Strategic Plan. As the University has grown in size and complexity, the quality assurance systems have evolved and, increasingly, responsibilities are articulated and devolved, with formal oversight and documentation.

External Benchmarking

Over the years, External / Visiting Examiners' assessment and the programme reviews ensure both standards and processes drive continuous improvement. To solicit external advice across a broader front with focus on direction for future strategic developments, a system of Visiting Committees is instituted in place of External / Visiting Examiners.

  • System of Visiting / External Examiners
    Since 2009-10, the University has adopted the Visiting Committee System for external input and benchmarking. The System was built on, and has replaced, the previous practice of engaging Visiting Examiners (VEs) or External Examiners (EEs) to evaluate teaching programmes. EEs are still kept for a small number of professional programmes on need-basis or for new TPg programmes in their first three years of implementation.
  • Visiting Committees